Organisational culture.

Clients: SalMar, YIT, Ergo Group, Aker Solutions, etc.

Organizational culture isn’t decreed; it’s created and evolved through daily behavior. Therefore, the ongoing conversation about what should characterize the organization, how it should be perceived, about norms and rules, and what behavior is acceptable is crucial.

People @ Statoil

Statoil ASA (now Equinor) is Norway’s largest private owned company, with offices and operations across the world. The organisation is a key supplier within the

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Vales and culture at Nycomed

Nycomed is an international pharmaceutical company, headquartered in Zürich, Switzerland. The company has 12,000 employees worldwide and partners in more than 50 countries. Nycomed’s portfolio

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Would you like to know more about our projects?

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Health, safety, and environment

Clients: Equinor, Yara, Essity, Kværner, Aker Solutions

Strategic alignment

Clients: Equinor, YIT, PwC, NRK, Bring

Strategy implementation

Clients: Telenor, Statkraft, Hafslund, Elvia, DNB

Values and ethics

Clients: Tine, PwC, Equinor, Rema 1000, Finn, Hurtigruten, Møller, ICA

Organisational culture

Clients: SalMar, YIT, Ergo Group, Aker Solutions

Work environment

Clients: Moelven, Spekter, KS, Personec, Vestre Viken


Clients: Innovasjon Norge, Telenor, Tine

Leadership training

Clients: AF Gruppen, Aker Solutions, Nycomed, Equinor

KS – Ringvirkning

Ringvirkning er prosjektnavnet på et sentralt initiativ i regi av KS og omhandler behovet for å tenke nytt om landbrukets rolle i lokal samfunnsutvikling. Landbruket

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Siri Tordal Norman

Yara HESQ – Safe by Choice

I det stadig skiftende landskapet av helse-, miljø- og sikkerhetsregelverk, er det blitt viktigere enn noensinne for bedrifter å implementere en omfattende strategi for etterlevelse

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Lasse Jalling

Kraftsamling for endring

Kraftbransjen er i endring. Økende etterspørsel, forsyningssikkerhet og klimautfordringer gjør at nettselskaper må tenke nytt.  Eksterne drivere sammen med behovet for digitalisering og innovasjon resulterer

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