Strategic alignment.

Clients: Equinor, YIT, PwC, NRK, Bring, etc.

For a strategy to be effective, the people implementing it must understand the rationale (why) and how the strategy is useful in their daily work (how). The key to success is translating the “why” into something tangible and relatable so that the entire organization understands both its purpose and meaning.

We often use the three-step approach, which entails defining and understanding the current situation, specifying the desired outcome, and then operationalising the path from the present to the future. A central element is that employees must discuss and reflect on the company’s current situation, preferably based on key drivers, current trends, or what competitors are doing. It’s particularly beneficial to have such discussions across departments, as one’s perspective and understanding of the external environment is influenced by their position within the organisation.

Alignment is about communication and involvement. Which part of the organization does what, and when, needs to be defined for an alignment process to be successful. That’s why we often create a process map that is divided into both levels and phases.

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Health, safety, and environment

Clients: Equinor, Yara, Essity, Kværner, Aker Solutions

Strategic alignment

Clients: Equinor, YIT, PwC, NRK, Bring

Strategy implementation

Clients: Telenor, Statkraft, Hafslund, Elvia, DNB

Values and ethics

Clients: Tine, PwC, Equinor, Rema 1000, Finn, Hurtigruten, Møller, ICA

Organisational culture

Clients: SalMar, YIT, Ergo Group, Aker Solutions

Work environment

Clients: Moelven, Spekter, KS, Personec, Vestre Viken


Clients: Innovasjon Norge, Telenor, Tine

Leadership training

Clients: AF Gruppen, Aker Solutions, Nycomed, Equinor

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