KS – Ripple effects
“Ripple Effect” (“Ringvirkning”) is the name for the project initiated by the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) which entails the need to
And that the best approach is through reflection, discussion and experience exchange. Our projects is the best description of what we do.
“Ripple Effect” (“Ringvirkning”) is the name for the project initiated by the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) which entails the need to
The Norwegian Directorate of Education wishes to prevent and reduce bullying among teenagers and has granted funds for increasing anti-bullying measures in upper secondary schools.
The Nespresso journey started with a simple but revolutionary idea: enable anyone to make the perfect cup of espresso – with exquisite crema, enticing aroma
Defining clear goals and strategies is difficult for every company, but none of this matters if you cannot get the company to move in the
Specifique began its collaboration with TINE in 2006, with a focus on ethical business operations and clear value definition. In recent years, we have collaborated
We have developed a simulation game for Equinor (formerly Statoil) that takes place in the fictional country of Exlandia. Players are taken through a
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration consists of a directorate and five regions, all of which receive advice from the internal HR and the administration department
Joker consists of 466 retail stores spread across Norway, and celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2017. In conjunction with the celebration, Kjøpmannshuset invited their sales
Hurtigruten’s vision is to be the world’s market leader of discovery voyages. In 2014-2015, Hurtigruten implemented a repositioning strategy, which would, among other things, establish
Statoil/Equinor is a demanding customers, which means that Specifique constantly has to figure out new and improved solutions to the customer’s needs. Our first assignment
The most important part of a work environment is the people, and how they together create a culture where each individual feels valued and involved.
In 2018, Statkraft launched its new strategy: Powering a Green Future. The ambition of this strategy is to become a leading company in renewable energy
One in ten employees in the public sector is absent from work every day. KS and NAV are therefore working together to help reduce sick
The European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) is a lively community of organisations sharing the same vision and a common goal: creating positive societal impact through
There is an increasing demand for educational sessions focused on internet awareness, reflecting the need for greater insight into guiding and mentoring children in the
Hvert år gis 140 000 ansatte i helseforetakene mulighet til å si sin mening om arbeidsmiljø og pasientsikkerhet gjennom å svare på medarbeiderundersøkelsen ForBedring. Litt
Sikkerhet og trygghet blant medarbeidere må alltid settes først, spesielt i selskaper som daglig opererer i miljøer med høy risiko og mange feilfeller. Equinor har
Som landets største nettselskap, med over 2 millioner kunder, har Elvia et viktig samfunnsoppdrag: å gi kraft til det fornybare samfunnet. Men samfunnets forventninger, krav
I det stadig skiftende landskapet av helse-, miljø- og sikkerhetsregelverk, er det blitt viktigere enn noensinne for bedrifter å implementere en omfattende strategi for etterlevelse
Kraftbransjen er i endring. Økende etterspørsel, forsyningssikkerhet og klimautfordringer gjør at nettselskaper må tenke nytt. Eksterne drivere sammen med behovet for digitalisering og innovasjon resulterer
Arbeidet i bransjeprogram IA i sykehus retter oppmerksomheten inn mot to hovedområder: langvarig og/eller gjentakende, hyppige fravær, «Tidlig og tett på» og forebyggende arbeidsmiljøarbeid, «Der skoen trykker». Bransjeprogram IA i
Drammensveien 123, 0277 Oslo, Norway
+47 906 68 635
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